Travelling Di Masa Pandemi: Mengkaji Kepercayaan Pada Pemerintah, Dan Keyakinan Pada Teori Konspirasi Covid-19 Dalam Menjelaskan Kecemasan Berwisata Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

  • Lusy Asa Akhrani Universitas Brawijaya
  • Ika Herani Universitas Brawijaya
  • Fathur Rahman Universitas Brawijaya
  • Desi Rendrasari Universitas Brawijaya
  • Cornelius Valdomero Elleazar Universitas Brawijaya
Keywords: Belief In The Covid-19 Conspiracy;, Covid-19 Pandemic;, Theory Trust In Government;, Travel Anxiety;


The Covid-19 pandemic has hit the global economy. The Pandemic has had a big impact on the tourism sector. This study aims to explain travel anxiety during a pandemic through trust in the government and belief in conspiracy theories. The research was conducted online on 628 respondents. Testing using multiple linear regression. The results show there are simultaneous or partial roles between the variables of trust in the government, belief in the covid-19 conspiracy theory on travel anxiety during the pandemic. Simultaneously, the results of the study show that there is a simultaneous role between trust in the government and the belief in the Covid conspiracy theory towards travel anxiety during the pandemics. Meanwhile, it is partially proven that there is a partial role between trust in the government and the belief in the Covid conspiracy theory towards travel anxiety during the pandemics.


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How to Cite
Akhrani, L., Herani, I., Rahman, F., Rendrasari, D., & Elleazar, C. (2024). Travelling Di Masa Pandemi: Mengkaji Kepercayaan Pada Pemerintah, Dan Keyakinan Pada Teori Konspirasi Covid-19 Dalam Menjelaskan Kecemasan Berwisata Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. PSIKOVIDYA, 28(1), 24-34.